Tuesday, October 22, 2024
About Me
  • Basic Information
  • Gender
  • Male
  • Birthday
  • 11/07/1984
  • About me
  • Yer..

    I'm mostly a quite happy fellow :D
  • Gaming general
  • Favourite game
  • TF2 - L4D
  • Favourite next-gen console
  • Wii
  • Counter Strike: Source
  • Are you T or CT?!
  • T
  • Clan
  • Those Who Know ( -TwK-)
  • Favourite weapon
  • AK47
  • Favourite servers
  • TWK GG server.
  • World of Warcraft
  • Servers
  • None, anymore.. Screws up time for family friends and gf, for real :P
  • Other Information
  • Favourite film
  • The Matrix
  • Favourite drink
  • Coca Cola
  • City / Town
  • Valdres
  • Country
  • Norway
11 friends
  • VoGon
  • dynamicaL
  • SyverSpace
  • karas
  • Gazza
  • Galli
  • Luckie
  • slaB
  • Ncore
  • DreamState
  • Vandricko
1 Group
  • Karma
  • Member since
  • Friday, 16 January 2009 19:08
  • Last online
  • 5478 days ago
  • Profile views
43 months ago
Vandricko created a new topic Twk in the forums. Mar 25
132 months ago
slaB removed Latest Photos application Dec 13
slaB removed Walls application Dec 13
145 months ago
VoGon replied to the topic Re: A question about the webdesign in the forums. Nov 21
147 months ago
VoGon and iMattR are now friends Sep 10
VoGon replied to the topic Re: Smaller map size in the forums. Sep 06
VoGon replied to the topic Re: moar reptiles, pl0x in the forums. Sep 05
148 months ago
VoGon Its been a long time... Aug 21
VoGon created a new topic Its been a long time, longer than it should... in the forums. Aug 21
155 months ago
Ncore replied to the topic Re: Mix? in the forums. Jan 21
156 months ago
Ncore created a new topic Maaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Christmaaaas in the forums. Dec 25
160 months ago
VoGon replied to the topic Re: PC Gaming is not dead in the forums. Aug 24
VoGon replied to the topic Re: Invitations fo google plus in the forums. Aug 24


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