Please, post here your login name for whitelisting.
Rules are simple, build (its a free build server), and DON'T grief others work.
Ofensive work (like penises and stuff) will be considered offensive (and childish), will be removed and user who created them banned forever (no 3 strike rule here)
Griefing also wins a permban.
Misbehaving, guess what, permban
I believe that covers it for rules, no into commands
Regular players can use:
/warp (abusing gets a kick)
/spawn (guess.. abuse and kick)
/mail (send and read)
/back (in case you die or tp to a stupid location)
And guess that's all folks
I won't support economy, hey, its a free build server..
Please, be creative!
World renderings can be found at and they are not (yet) automatic nor realtime, they are rendered on a manual basis.
Now, have some fun!
And thanks redo97
Minecraft server