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Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game
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TOPIC: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game

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Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #18870

  • macan285
  • Fresh Boarder
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Hello people Iam gona talk about how Protoss and Terran can make proxy stuff in early game and Zerg can't.Terrans can do super fast banshees without droping on armycount.
Protoss can do warpgate rushes with proxy pylons taking out your economy with zealots for Zerg and still don't drop on armycount.Zerg can only do there nydus worm when they get a lair and that's on the 7min mark but still they nedd 3 bases to actually support a nydus worm beacuse the building costs like 300mins and 300 gas and thats like on the 8min mark so its pretty damn useless.
I think the Zerg should have the ability to make the damn worm with a normal hatchery lolz.
When i say droping on armycount i mean you actually nedd to sactrifice some economy or army units to actually be able to make it at the time you want it.Since Terrans nedd double gas very quick anyway they can just go marines and marauders to stay healthy. The Protoss nedds the warpgate in all other builds they can still be healthy while the Zerg nedds so much minerals for their drones and gas for their roaches they can't actually support it if they get 4gated or barracks pushed.
Last Edit: 13 years, 10 months ago by macan285.

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #18872

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
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Zerg doesn't need any proxy stuff. And in general cheeses like proxy rax/gateways/cannon rush, should not beat you. You need to scout properly, and use a zergling so that you know when an army is moving out towards your base. With good spine crawler placement and enough roaches, zerglings/banelings you should be able to hold off 4gate/3rax pushes etc.

I don't understand what you mean by protoss and terran 'don't drop on army count'. If they make banshees they will have less marines/marauders, if a protoss builds proxy gateways and makes loads of zealots, then he cant have a good economy (and also his base will be more open to ling run-bys)

What you need to do:

1- scout early with a drone, if you see less buildings in their base than you would expect, then they must have some proxy buildings
2- use zerglings on the xelnaga watchtowers, and put one outside their base. This way, you can see when their army moves and, and if they take an expansion etc.
3- if you see an army moving out early on, or don't see many buildings in their base (you suspect a proxy) Throw down 2 spine crawlers on your expansion (or base if you haven't expanded, and stop making drones. Save your larvae for roaches or zerglings/banelings. You may have to pull your queen to your ramp to stop them getting in your main.

The thing you have to think about though, is that if they do an early push/cheese and you dont completely die to it, for example, you lose a lot of drones and roaches and maybe your expansion. You are still usually ahead.
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #18876

  • macan285
  • Fresh Boarder
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Yea but what i mean is like Protoss and Terran if they proxy and you don't see it its gameover anyway beacuse Zerg's economy nedds to get so much boost in the beggining 3mins of the game.
And even if you are prepared your economy for roaches and zerglings isn't gona have a chance
Last Edit: 13 years, 10 months ago by macan285.

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #18878

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
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If you don't see that they are proxying you deserve to lose. If you go into a protoss base and see no gateways then its a bit of an indicator something is coming
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #19402

  • substick
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You could always 6 pool players, if they don't scout early enough then they have pretty much lost because they don't have enough time pump enough units out.

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #19404

  • substick
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You also might want to have a look at this:

It has some wicked Nydus worm uses. Also Nydus works aren't used very much so people tend not to expect them if they haven't seen it when they scouted you so you could surprise them with it and win in the late game .

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #19413

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
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6pool is dumb and wont work above bronze league :/
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #19428

  • substick
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I suppose xD works on me but i am in bronze league and its mostly because i go 4 GATEWAY, scout too late and don't wall off for some stupid reason.

I pretty noob at the game although I love it

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #19460

  • eskimo
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always wall against zerg. Scout with your 9 pylon probe. See early pool with a lacking of drones, chrono boost your zealot out, drop down another gateway, use the zealot ot block your ramp completely on hold position, game won if you do that.
what does bigamy mean? One wife too many. What does monogamy mean? The same f*****g thing

Re: Zerg don't have any proxy stuff in early game 13 years, 10 months ago #19464

  • substick
  • Official TWK Admin
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Ye I also found out when I was watching a live stream on that you can also block your ramp with a gateway, forge and pylon, when they do attack with the zerglings you should have a cannon on the way up which should have enough time to get up and kill the lings before they break through; I have also seen people chrono a zealot out in this build, kill his pylon when the cannon is just coming up so the zealot can also get into attack the lings and block the gap that has just been made.
I don't know what works better but I would probably go for the gateway block even though you tend to have to pull some probes off the line .

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