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Interested to have a go at the twk match clan?
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TOPIC: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan?

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Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17112

  • deN
  • Platinum Boarder
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So some of us tries to get some new life into the match clan and play, as m3ntoz asked, fun and not very serious matches against players who arent looking for a serious match, but to have fun and have a good time and were hoping that u guys want to give it a shot, so if ur interested, just post a reply to this and we'll try to make it happen

List of interested:
Waltz: srsly i got all but the last checkpoint and all other ones i got all check points im the best

Last Edit: 14 years ago by deN.

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17113

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
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Sorry, I would but I'm simply too busy these days to devote time to the clan.

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17116

  • M3ntoz
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i thought it was for playing fun matches?
Mr.Moo: Damn, Mentoz beat me to it -.-

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17117

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
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I might be able to help you out and give you advice, but I'm not particularly interested in starting from scratch and entering leagues again, nor do i really have the time or connection at uni.

Let me know if you need any guidance.
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

The following user(s) said Thank You: deN

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17118

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1318
  • Karma: 15
i think the idea is here to play occasionally where we make a doodle and see when we can get together enough ppl. It is NOT same as being a "regular clan" as it wont have regular ppl playing.

But someone will have to take the lead and make doodles and look who we can play with.

As i see it, clan leader make a doodle with a weeks notice or so if we get a day with 5 players available then the leader looks for a game.

If theres a day with 10 ppl (unlikely) we can just play on open cs source

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17119

  • deN
  • Platinum Boarder
  • ??????y
  • Posts: 372
  • Karma: 11
liger wrote:
i think the idea is here to play occasionally where we make a doodle and see when we can get together enough ppl. It is NOT same as being a "regular clan" as it wont have regular ppl playing.

But someone will have to take the lead and make doodles and look who we can play with.

As i see it, clan leader make a doodle with a weeks notice or so if we get a day with 5 players available then the leader looks for a game.

If theres a day with 10 ppl (unlikely) we can just play on open cs source

i like the idea very much and i think it can really work, ye, definetly! and to pick cl, perhaps a mod can set up a poll or something, and perhaps say, if there were 10 ppl that can play, perhaps a TWKvsTWK (fun) match : )
Waltz: srsly i got all but the last checkpoint and all other ones i got all check points im the best

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17127

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 442
  • Karma: 10
You don't need doodle or whateverrr, just see if you can get 5 together whenever you fancy it
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17132

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1318
  • Karma: 15 IS to see if we can get 5 together.... Its a lot easier than to let everyone write dates on a forum
like this
Last Edit: 14 years ago by liger.

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17133

  • M3ntoz
  • Administrator
  • Freshmaker!
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liger wrote: IS to see if we can get 5 together.... Its a lot easier than to let everyone write dates on a forum
like this

are those times GMT or GMT +1 ?
Mr.Moo: Damn, Mentoz beat me to it -.-

Re: Interested to have a go at the twk match clan? 14 years ago #17134

  • Hunter
  • Gold Boarder
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  • Karma: 9
I'm interested, but you would have to take into account that i will be busy a lot of the time over the next 4 and a half months or so. big exams :S studying...

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